This line of research focuses on the origins and mechanisms that trigger, develop, and sustain psychological disorders. It includes assessment of the multiple cultural, social, developmental, and psychobiological conditions involved in depression and personality.

Topics for specific studies in this line:

1. Interaction of cultural, social and family variables in the prevalence of depressive disorders, suicidal risk and subjective experience        of illness:

a.- Longitudinal study on family functioning, adolescent temperament and depressive symptomatology in the mother/adolescent day.
Director of the studyCarola Peréz /
See description of the study HERE

b.- Subjective Construction of the Suicide Process in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Youth. 
Director of the study:  Claudio Martínez /
See description of the study HERE

      c.- Precise suicide risk assessment: study of psychosocial variables associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents and adult mental       health consultants.
        Director of the study: Susana Morales /
See description of the study HERE

      d.- Relational dynamics of power in the intimacy of couple relationships and psychological discomfort.
      Director of the study: Carmen Olivari /
See description of the study HERE

       e.- Study of the experience of depression in different cultures.
        Director of the study: Álvaro Carrasco /

2.- Confluence of cultural aspects and genetic susceptibilities with personality types and depression in the Chilean population.

       a.- Gene-culture interaction in depressive symptomatology and subjective well-being in Chile

        Director of the study: Juan Pablo Jiménez /
See description of the study HERE

3.- Working conditions and educational contexts associated with subjective well-being and depression.

       a- Preparation of an intercultural study, based on Minfulness, for the prevention of depression in children and young people.

        Director of the study: Álvaro Langer /
See description of the study HERE

4.- Psychobiological correlations of depressive disorders in interaction with personality types and structure.

      a.- Multidimensional model of depression

       Director of the study: Jaime Silva /
See description of the study HERE

5.- Longitudinal studies.
        Director of the study: Álvaro Vergés /