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Esta línea de investigación se enfoca en evaluar la efectividad de las estrategias de intervención dirigidas a cambiar las condiciones tempranas asociadas con el desarrollo de la depresión y los trastornos de personalidad, reducir la exclusión social de las personas con discapacidades psicológicas y promover las capacidades de los profesionales de la salud mental.

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Estudio Director/a Contacto
Design and piloting of a telepsychiatry service to improve mental health care for children and adolescents in violation of their rights and/or subject to the adolescent criminal responsibility law. Matías Irarrázaval mirarrazavald@u.uchile.cl
Development and evaluation of a program based on digital technologies for the detection of risk and promotion of help-seeking in university students. Álvaro Jiménez alvaro.jimenez1@mail.udp.cl
Randomized pilot feasibility study of a group intervention by video conference to promote maternal sensitivity in mother/infant dyads attended in Primary Health Care. Marcia Olhaberry mpolhabe@uc.cl
Trajectories and predictors of depressive and anxious symptomatology in family caregivers of people with dementia: a longitudinal study. Claudia Miranda clmirandac@gmail.com
Evaluating the effectiveness of a digital version of the intervention “What Were We thinking” to promote maternal mental health in the postpartum. Carola Pérez janetperez@udd.cl
Learning about parenting experiences with young and unborn children during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Chile. Marcia Olhaberry mpolhabe@uc.cl
Implementation and Evaluation of an Intervention with Video-feedback focused on Attachment Quality and Parental Reflective Function, aimed at Mother-Father-Child Triads with difficulties in Child Socioemotional Development. Marcia Olhaberry mpolhabe@uc.cl
Concordance in the physiological and subjective stress response. The role of temperament and family context in emotional regulation in late adolescents and young adults. Carola Pérez janetperez@udd.cl
Brief internet mentalization-based video feedback intervention to improve parental sensitivity in depressed mothers being treated in public health services: randomized controlled feasibility trial. Marcia Olhaberry mpolhabe@uc.cl
Construction of co-parenting in first-time parenting couples. Carola Pérez janetperez@udd.cl
Concordance in the physiological and subjective stress response. The role of temperament and family context in emotional regulation in late adolescents and young adults. Carola Pérez janetperez@udd.cl
Process of psychotherapeutic change in children who have been victims of sexual aggression: Towards a comprehensive model of the influence of responsible adult factors, interventions and the therapeutic relationship. Claudia Capella ccapella@u.uchile.cl

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Estudios de líneas 1 y 2


Estudio Director/a Contacto
The dreamed body: an exploratory study on the bodily experience of trans* and gendernonconforming (TGNC) people. Claudio Martínez claudio.martinez@mail.udp.cl
Facilitating and hindering factors of psychological help-seeking in college students: An integrative and culturally relevant approach Natalia Salinas natalia.salinas@ufrontera.cl

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Estudios de líneas 2 y 3


Estudio Director/a Contacto
Evolution of therapeutic changeand manifestations of mentalization in therapist-patientinteraction in an online brief intervention based on mentalization with video-feedback withmothers with depressive symptomatology and their infants Catalina Sieverson catasieverson@gmail.com
Meanings attributed to the experience of quarantine due to COVID-19 from the perspective of the Chilean population: its effects on mental health and coping strategies Nelson Valdés nvaldes.sanchez@gmail.com

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Estudios de líneas 2 y 4


Estudio Director/a Contacto
Study on the experience of Forest Therapy in women with breast cancer and depressive symptoms Sebastián Medeiros sebastianmedeiros@gmail.com
