Parental burnout across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic

van Bakel, H., Bastiaansen, C., Hall, R., Schwabe, I., Verspeek, E., Gross, JJ., Ackerlund Brandt, J., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Bajgarová, Z., Beyers, W., Bílková, Z., Boujut, E., Chen, B., Dorard, G., Escobar, MJ., Furutani, K., Gaspar, MF., Griffith, A., Helmy, M., Trang Huynh, M., Kaneza, E.,  Lasso Báez, R., Lebert, A., Le Vigouroux, S., Lee, Y., Mai, H.,Manrique-Millones, D., Millones Rivalles, R., Miscioscia, M., Fatemeh Mousavi, S., Eom, M., Ndayizigiy, A., Ngnombouowo Tenkue, J., Oyarce Cadiz, D., Pineda-Marin, C., Psychountaki, M., Qu, Y., Salinas-Quiroz, F.,  Santelices, MP.,  Scola, C., Schrooyen, C.,  Silva Cabrera, P., Simonelli, A., Skarbalienė, A., Skarbalius, E., Soenens, B., Sorkkila, M., Swit, C., Szczygieł, D., Theotokatos, G., Meltem Ustundag-Budak, A., Verhofstadt, L., Vertsberger, D., Wendland, J., Mikolajczak, M., and Roskam, I. (2022). Parental burnout across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Perspectives in Psychology. Vol. 11, No. 3, 141-152. Published Online: July 20, 2022, ISSN 2157-3883, 2157-3891.

Disponible en: 10.1027/2157-3891/a000050